This past month, two employees earned Wolfe Awards!
Individuals nominated for a Wolfe Award are those who have shown growth and or excelled in one of the five Impulse Ideology categories; engineering, professionalism, passionate problem solving, local, and speed. The following employees were nominated:
Sean Carmean
A customer was finally ready for MPLS, but Impulse still needed to configure it. Sean did the lion’s share of the configuration beforehand and helped iron out the wrinkles during our handoff and testing call. Thanks, Sean! Sean received a red bow tie and a $50 visa gift card for this Wolfe Award.
Daniel Luna
Daniel was presented with a black Wolfe Award. These are earned when an employee earns all five Wolfe Awards. Along with the black bow tie, he was also given a $500 bonus. This is Daniel’s second black Wolfe Award! Thank you for all the good work you do for us at Impulse, Daniel!